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タイトルHigh Resolution Emission Spectroscopy of the Alpha Pi-1 - Chi Sigma-1(+) Fourth Positive Band System of CO from Electron Impact
著者(英)Ajello, Joseph M.; Alvarez, Marcos; James, Geoffrey K.; Dziczek, Dariusz; Beegle, Luther W.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述We report electron-impact induced fluorescence spectra [300 mA full width at half maximum (FWHM)] of CO for 20 and 100 eV impact energies of the spectral region of 1300 to 2050 A and high resolution spectra (FWHM) of the v'=5 to v"=l and the v'=3 to v"=O bands showing that the rotational structure of the band system are modeled accurately. The excitation function of the (0,1) band (1597 A) was measured from electron impact in the energy range from threshold to 750 eV and placed on an absolute scale from modem calibration standards.
NASA分類Atomic and Molecular Physics
権利No Copyright
