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タイトルKidSat: Image User's Manual
著者(英)Rackley, Kathleen; Yiu, Lisa; Stork, Elizabeth Jones; Way, JoBea; Goodson, Greg; Baker, John; Marshall, William; McGuire, John; Andres, Paul
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The goal of KidSat was to provide young students with the opportunity to participate directly in the NASA space program and to enhance learning in the process. The KidSat pilot project was focused on using a color digital camera, mounted on the space shuttle, to take pictures of the Earth. These could be used to enhance middle school curricula. The project not only benefited middle school students, who were essentially the Science Team, responsible for deciding where to take pictures, but it also benefited high school students and undergraduates, who were essentially the Project Team, responsible for the development and implementation of the project. KidSat flew on three missions as part of the pilot project: STS-76, STS-81, and STS-86. This document describes the goals, project elements, results, and data for the three KidSat missions that made up the pilot program. It serves as a record for this pilot project and may be used as a reference for similar projects. It can also be a too] in using the data to its fullest extent. The KidSat Web page remains on-line at http://kidsat.jpl.nasa.gov/kidsat, and the images may be downloaded in their full resolution.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
権利No Copyright
