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タイトルPast, Present, and Future Capabilities of the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel from an Aeroelasticity Perspective
著者(英)Cole, Stanley R.; Garcia, Jerry L.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT) has provided a unique capability for aeroelastic testing for forty years. The facility has a rich history of significant contributions to the design of many United States commercial transports, military aircraft, launch vehicles, and spacecraft. The facility has many features that contribute to its uniqueness for aeroelasticity testing, perhaps the most important feature being the use of a heavy gas test medium to achieve higher test densities. Higher test medium densities substantially improve model-building requirements and therefore simplify the fabrication process for building aeroelastically scaled wind tunnel models. Aeroelastic scaling for the heavy gas results in lower model structural frequencies. Lower model frequencies tend to a make aeroelastic testing safer. This paper will describe major developments in the testing capabilities at the TDT throughout its history, the current status of the facility, and planned additions and improvements to its capabilities in the near future.
NASA分類Research and Support Facilities (Air)
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2000-1767
権利No Copyright
