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タイトルSmagglce: Surface Modeling and Grid Generation for Iced Airfoils: Phase 1 Results
著者(英)Choo, Yung K.; Vickerman, Mary B.; Braun, Donald C.; Gnepp, Steven; Baez, Marivell
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述SmaggIce (Surface Modeling and Grid Generation for Iced Airfoils) is a software toolkit used in the process of aerodynamic performance prediction of iced airfoils with grid-based Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). It includes tools for data probing, boundary smoothing, domain decomposition, and structured grid generation and refinement. SmaggIce provides the underlying computations to perform these functions, a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to control and interact with those functions, and graphical displays of results, it is being developed at NASA Glenn Research Center. This paper discusses the overall design of SmaggIce as well as what has been implemented in Phase 1. Phase 1 results provide two types of software tools: interactive ice shape probing and interactive ice shape control. The ice shape probing tools will provide aircraft icing engineers and scientists with an interactive means to measure the physical characteristics of ice shapes. On the other hand, the ice shape control features of SmaggIce will allow engineers to examine input geometry data, correct or modify any deficiencies in the geometry, and perform controlled systematic smoothing to a level that will make the CFD process manageable.
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2000-0235
NAS 1.15:209678
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
