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タイトルACTS: Technology Description and Results
著者(英)Gargione, Frank; Gedney, Richard T.; Schertler, Ronald
著者所属(英)ACT Co.
内容記述The ACTS Project was originated at NASA Glenn Research Center in the early 1980's to sponsor the development and application of technology that was intended to be used by the private sector. The program was formulated with the underlying philosophy of maintaining US leadership in satellite communications while focusing technology development for efficient use of the frequency spectrum. This report chronicles the execution and results of the program from the perspective of its technology managers, from inception through hardware and system development to on-orbit experiments and demonstrations of the technology. The first eight sections of the report discuss programmatic background, the specific satellite and ground terminal technology and the results generated by the program including industry relevance. A federally funded program of this type attracted strong advocates and adversaries and the resulting impact on the project schedule is also discussed. The last two sections are a list of useful acronyms and extensive references.
NASA分類Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking
NAS 1.26:209806
権利No Copyright
