JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAn Overview of Controls and Flying Qualities Technology on the F/A-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle
著者(英)Wichman, Keith D.; Bundick, W. Thomas; Foster, John V.; Pahle, Joseph W.
著者所属(英)NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
内容記述The NASA F/A-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV) has been the flight test bed of a focused technology effort to significantly increase maneuvering capability at high angles of attack. Development and flight test of control law design methodologies, handling qualities metrics, performance guidelines, and flight evaluation maneuvers are described. The HARV has been modified to include two research control effectors, thrust vectoring, and actuated forebody strakes in order to provide increased control power at high angles of attack. A research flight control system has been used to provide a flexible, easily modified capability for high-angle-of-attack research controls. Different control law design techniques have been implemented and flight-tested, including eigenstructure assignment, variable gain output feedback, pseudo controls, and model-following. Extensive piloted simulation has been used to develop nonlinear performance guide-lines and handling qualities criteria for high angles of attack. This paper reviews the development and evaluation of technologies useful for high-angle-of-attack control. Design, development, and flight test of the research flight control system, control laws, flying qualities specifications, and flight test maneuvers are described. Flight test results are used to illustrate some of the lessons learned during flight test and handling qualities evaluations.
NASA分類Aircraft Stability and Control
権利No Copyright
