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タイトルApplication of Design Methodologies for Feedback Compensation Associated with Linear Systems
著者(英)Smith, Monty J.
著者所属(英)NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
内容記述The work that follows is concerned with the application of design methodologies for feedback compensation associated with linear systems. In general, the intent is to provide a well behaved closed loop system in terms of stability and robustness (internal signals remain bounded with a certain amount of uncertainty) and simultaneously achieve an acceptable level of performance. The approach here has been to convert the closed loop system and control synthesis problem into the interpolation setting. The interpolation formulation then serves as our mathematical representation of the design process. Lifting techniques have been used to solve the corresponding interpolation and control synthesis problems. Several applications using this multiobjective design methodology have been included to show the effectiveness of these techniques. In particular, the mixed H 2-H performance criteria with algorithm has been used on several examples including an F-18 HARV (High Angle of Attack Research Vehicle) for sensitivity performance.
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