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タイトルA Weight Comparison of Several Attitude Controls for Satellites
著者(英)Chilton, Robert G.; Adams, James J.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述A brief theoretical study has been made for the purpose for estimating and comparing the weight of three different types of controls that can be used to change the attitude of a satellite. The three types of controls are jet reaction, inertia wheel, and a magnetic bar which interacts with the magnetic field of the earth. An idealized task which imposed severe requirements on the angular motion of the satellite was used as the basis for comparison. The results showed that a control for one axis can be devised which will weigh less than 1 percent of the total weight of the satellite. The inertia-wheel system offers weight-saving possibilities if a large number of cycles of operation are required, whereas the jet system would be preferred if a limited number of cycles are required. The magnetic-bar control requires such a large magnet that it is impractical for the example application but might be of value for supplying small trimming moments about certain axes.
NASA分類Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利No Copyright
