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タイトルSimultaneous Observations of Atmospheric Electric Field, Aerosols, and Clouds on the R/V Hakuho Maru over the Pacific Ocean
著者(日)鴨川, 仁; 大洞, 行星; 上田, 紗也子; 三浦, 和彦; 矢島, 千秋; ハシモト, サトシ; 中村, 真帆; 柿並, 義宏; 古谷, 浩志; 植松, 光夫
著者(英)Kamogawa, Masashi; Ohhora, Kosei; Ueda, Sayako; Miura, Kazuhiko; Yajima, Kazuaki; Hashimoto, Satoshi; Nakamura, Maho; Kakinami, Yoshihiro; Furutani, Hiroshi; Uematsu, Mitsuo
著者所属(日)東京学芸大学; 東京学芸大学; 東京理科大学; 東京理科大学; 放射線医学総合研究所; 東京学芸大学; 東京学芸大学; 高知工科大学; 東京大学; 東京大学
著者所属(英)Tokyo Gakugei University; Tokyo Gakugei University; Tokyo University of Science; Tokyo University of Science; National Institute of Radiological Sciences; Tokyo Gakugei University; Tokyo Gakugei University; Kochi University of Technology; The University of Tokyo; The University of Tokyo
Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan
刊行物名Journal of Atmospheric Electricity
抄録There is an ionospheric potential between conductive solid-earth and ionosphere which reaches approximately 250 kV. The ionospheric potential is generated by the spherical shell capacitance of which is formed by positively charged ionosphere and negatively charged solid-earth. The capacitance is charged and discharged by the global thunderstorm activity and air-earth current in the fair weather, respectively. This large-scale electric circuit is termed a global electric circuit. Recently, it is pointed out that the variation of ionospheric potential is associated with global climate change, so that some of scientists started revisiting this traditional topic. In order to promote their resurvey, we show that a ground-based measurement of atmospheric electric field highly affected by atmospheric clouds, aerosols, and so on is still a useful tool to measure the variation of ionospheric potential through the simultaneous observations of ground-based atmospheric electric field, aerosols, and clouds on the R/V Hakuho Maru over the Pacific Ocean. In the period we obtained Carnegie curve, the observed AEF did not correlate to atmospheric aerosol concentration. The most plausible interpretation is that the observed variation of AEF reflected the variation of ionosphere potential.
内容記述形態: カラー図版あり
Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations
キーワードAtmospheric electricity; Global electrical circuit; Ionospheric potential
資料種別Journal Article
